First real entry - Who We Are
*This is Keng Yin (henceforth known as Jik) writing because I can't figure out how to make myself edit this instead of under Yinghao's account. For the blogspot mirror I will be the primary writer, so it's always gonna be me. (This is probably going to be the last specific mention of the two separate mirrors individually)*
And **The Third Wheel** (that's us) is live! Sweet.
So for folks who don't know what we're up to, we are going to drive a auto-rickshaw, better known in our region as a tuk-tuk, from **Cochin (Kochi), Kerala** to **Jaisalmer, Rajasthan**, in two weeks. Both places are cities in **India**.
They are also between **2500km** to **2800km** apart, depending on which route we take. Mmmmmm. After typing that out I feel like I should have thought this through a little bit more before wildly signing up in glee.
*We're also hopefully going to raise a chunk of money for good causes including but not limited to - saving the world's rainforests, supporting our local art scene and helping sick people feel better and get well sooner. I know the economy's down, but I promise I'll try my best to entertain through wit and/or suffering. Schadenfreude is a real thing.*
Some quick introductions to are in order!
We are three Singaporeans about to embark on one of the stranger journeys in our live. A glorious tale for the grand-kids, assuming we live to tell it.
Our fearless, peerless and YOLO leader is **Yinghao**. Probably the only guy crazy enough to actually agree with me that this trip sounds like a great idea AND to put his money where his mouth is. We've been on a couple of other road trips like driving from Singapore to Thailand, where my vehicle had four wheels and his had...two. A great friend, lives his life to the fullest, never a dull moment when he's around. He's going to be our chief motorcyclist for the trip. Also, he's a doctor, which drastically increases the chances of my survival on this epic adventure. Marvelous positive externality.
Next up, **Wenwen**, aesthetically-inclined both in profession and in person. Bubbly, vivacious, elegant and confident enough to rough it out on an ordeal like this. This dear friend of mine is a designer by trade and is great at sewing and knitting. Fiery and passionate, again never a dull moment when she's around, which means doubly less dull moments for this trip. She's our resident photographer, which hopefully means you'll be seeing a lot more of her work on this blog. Also, she sings a mean karaoke, which is gonna be great on a long road trip.
The two of them are such a perfect match.

*The handsome guy on the bottom right is Yinghao, the bearded caveman is myself. The lovely lady is of course, Wenwen.*
In case you haven't yet realized, I am The Third Wheel.
"**Schadenfreude** *noun*
pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune."
I'm Jik. I'm our resident gamer, thinker, scribe, and Third Wheel. I'm that one wheel you need to make a tuk-tuk move. I can backup drive, backup photograph, and backup karaoke. I love karaoke. I'm also in charge of other more un-fun stuff like logistics and falling sick. I've sprained my neck, gotten food poisoning and thrown off my scooter among other shenanigans. Coincidentally, Yinghao's been there for all of those, so no reason why I expect it to be any different for this trip. Again, I cannot emphasize enough how great it is that he's a doctor.

*That's us in our natural states. Wenwen with a selfie, Yinghao chilling with a guitar and me standing around bumming.*
And...yea! That's us! This is gonna be great! Like, what could go wrong eh?
Edit Sep 13 2016: We've identified the charities that we are going to be raising funds for, but that'll be for another post.
Cheerios, Jik