Team The Tukkaneers - Team TomTom

Thomas Schadeck
Of The Tukkaneers - Team TomTom
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (August)

how to master big cities in India

Outside of cities you have the normal traffic without significant rules, but then you will get the total anarchy, anarchic anarchy. What to do? Try to flow with the traffic. At some point in time you will recognize that there is no need to avoid potholes, vehicles and other things, it just happens. Then the change: you don't flow anymore but you float. You are part of the traffic. You are part of the city's heartbeat, you are the traffic, you are the hearbeat, you ARE THE CITY!

Thomas Schadeck
Of The Tukkaneers - Team TomTom
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (August)

First breakdown

After one week we had our first breakdown. Complete stillstand. We're pushed 20 km to a mechanic who told us that the needed spare part is available in Hyderabad - 200 more kms. Some time later and 2 million pictures of spectators later he finally fixed it (for how long?) and also fixed our brakes without any spare parts. Tomorrow we can continue our journey.will be quite boring after days without brakes.



I am the Mechanic in our Team .
My motto is
one screw , one beer !!

2 Bavarians vs. 1.4 billion Indians - poor Indians


Everybody who reaches this page knows what coolearth is. So go ahead to our fundraising page to help us protecting the rainforest.
