They kept asking to see my six pack, which I most assuredly don't have after three weeks of gorging on delicious curries, so Sam had us hit her with our flex.
They kept asking to see my six pack, which I most assuredly don't have after three weeks of gorging on delicious curries, so Sam had us hit her with our flex.
Late start out of Jodhpur today, but found a FORT to stay in with our original teammates! Reunited and it feels so good. Enjoying the last night before the end of the run tomorrow
Had fun exploring the local palace (where nick jonas got married) and fort here in Jodhpur with some other rickshaw run folks! Enjoyed a sunset “dunch” and reminisced on some of our favorites thus far.
After a nice day off in Udaipur and a chilly start to the day, we made it to Jodhpur! Tired and looking forward to a day off and reuniting with our other half for the last leg of the run!
Made it to udaipur from ahmedabad! Looking forward to having a day off tomorrow. Staying in the local hostel and making new friends!
Did not make it too far today with the traffic and terrible roads, but it sure was beautiful! Our guide got a beard trim while one of our other team members was throwing up. Ended with a sunset in Tithal. Not too shabby!
Had a fabulous day off getting our rickshaws a quick checkup after ~1000k and tasted wines at the first vineyard in india at Sula Vineyards. We jammed all six of us in a rickshaw so we didn’t drink and drive ;) serenaded our driver. Also welcomed a new member to our team, Red Curry! She has made the sounds if the road a little more enjoyable!
Pune in the streets, Nashik in the sheets.
Drop what you're doing and get your tuk tukuses to your local jalebiwala and get you some.
An old proverb I once heard says that there's always light at the end of the tunnel, but that sometimes that light is an oncoming train. Fortunately that was not the case here.
Pit stop in Pune last night. Skipping Mumbai in favor of an interesting detour Spice Invaders nosed out.
Happy little accident on our way to Pune today. Stopped by a “stadium” for a refuel/engine cool down and ended up in this tiny town and meeting more of the nicest people. They invited us in for some delicious tea and biscuits and has been the highlight of our trip! Their house was beautiful! The kids were adorable and curious as to what we were doing. After 300+K today, we made it to Pune.
Father, Son, and Sam