The Whale Safari Team 1 haven't posted any updates yet.
We're hoping to see some other whales than the other team with the same name.

We support the UNICEF education program for children all over the world. Education is a fundamental human right. Every girl and boy, everywhere, is entitled to attend school and learn. UNICEF is dedicated to making sure that all children can enjoy their right to a quality education, from early learning opportunities that lay the groundwork for success in school, all the way through secondary school. Across the world, some children are more likely to miss out on education than others. That deprivation has lifelong consequences that often mean that the next generation, too, will start out at a disadvantage. The resulting cycles of inequality and deprivation thwart the potential of both individuals and societies. To dismantle the barriers that stand in the way of getting all children in school and learning, UNICEF’s work focuses particularly on the children who are most often excluded. Because merely getting children into school is not enough, we promote child-friendly approaches that include securing safe and healthy school environments, and teaching and learning processes that speak to children’s individual needs – so that children can acquire the skills and knowledge they need. To reach the most vulnerable children in the most challenging situations around the world, we foster innovative solutions tailored to local contexts, and support countries in building robust and resilient education systems. Educating children is an investment in their futures, and in peaceful and prosperous societies.