Team The World's Fastest Kiwis

Daman, Daman, India

260kms today from Vadodara, Gujarat to Daman - was a great day on the road with improved roads and less trucks to mingle with. No huge dramas. Now at Gold Beach Resort where we've heard a few of you have already stayed. Great place on the beach.Gujarat no problems for travelling. Heading to Nashik tomorrow.

Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Another huge day - 340kms - better roads with less trucks to share it with. Got lost a couple of times, separated from Curry Pie once, drove in crazy peak hour traffic at dusk and had several near misses. Glad to get to our hotel. Warrick got an alcohol license so we could all have a wine tonight! No breakdowns yet but know its only time now.

Warrick Weber

Load Warrick


After travelling and working around the world during my twenties I settled in Queenstown, New Zealand with Warrick, my husband and team mate/driver. I am currently a stay-at-home mum of three children - James (5), Flynn (2) and Ruby (2). I still love to travel, yoga, the outdoors and Indian food and cant wait to get on the road again!