Team The Charity Chariot

The Adventure

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**2325 KM.**

**14 DAYS.**

**3 MEN.**

**1 TUK TUK.**


Take the smallest, least practical vehicle in Asia, shoe-horn in three 6†tall charity fund-raising, documentary filming British adventurers and race against 27 teams across several thousand miles of hazardous terrain in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.



 As part of the** 2012 ASEAN Rickshaw Run**, **“The Charity Chariotâ€** will travel through dense Sumatran jungle, along dangerous mountain tracks, cross the perilous Malacca Straight shipping lanes and battle through the chaotic streets of Jakarta to raise as much money as possible for Water Aid and Birdlife International.

 There's no guarantee of making it the 2325KM to the finish line and no back up support trucks. It's just us, our media pimped half horse power of unreliable engineering, and three of the most challenging and scenic islands in South East Asia.



** **Through individual and corporate sponsorship we’ll raise funds for **WaterAid** to provide clean water to the world’s poorest people and **Birdlife International** to save habitats and promote sustainability through use of natural resources.

 WaterAid are an international organisation dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world's poorest people. At a time when the basic needs of millions of Malaysians are put in jeopardy by natural disaster the work of Wateraid across Malaysia couldn’t be more important.

 Birdlife International is a global alliance of conservation organisations working together for the world's birds and people. Their work includes protecting the precious biodiversity of the jungles we will be traveling through.

 We’ll raise awareness for these essential campaigns by providing exclusive adventure coverage and content packages to our media partners across the radio, television and  press.

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**We are self-funded so every single penny of revenue will go directly to our nominated charities.**



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**Jim Edmonds                         Ted Gaut                    James Duke-Evans**

                             (Adventurer)                         (Mechanic)                        (Camera Man)



Edward Gaut

Violin maker from Bristol running away from normality to raise funds for the masses to simply drink clean water. 1st time this far east so is definitely going to be a world of interesting and will hopefully see some amazing sights and animals.

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James Edmonds

I'm a globetrotting, country crossing, charity cycling, big air jumping, workshop running, musician with a face like a monkey and the tree climbing skills to match.

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James Duke-Evans

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