Team Thelma and Louise

Janelle Kaprowski
Of Thelma and Louise
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Day 1

Hi All,

Emily and I had a decent first day and made it a bit further than intended as most hotels looked dirty. We had intended to stay in Punnani but it was a dirty Punnani :) Driving in the cities is still a bit crazy, but we are managing well so far. People have been friendly, restaurants are always keen to mention they offer Chineese food (to Emily's dismay), and have received a lot of fanfair.

Miss you all, XO.

Janelle Kaprowski
Of Thelma and Louise
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Test Driving

Hi Friends and Family,

Emily and I had a good start to our trip. There appears to be no rules for driving which initially was shit your pants scary but we've settled in to the chaos. Today was our last day for test driving; we had a busy day getting fuel and spare mechanical parts. I used Kristian's wonderful tire pressure gauge (thanks Luv!) which amazed the locals (they didn't know what this is and I nearly had it taken from me at airport security) and came in very handy! We also received some very good technical talks.

This evening we are heading to an island for our launch party and start our race tomorrow morning. We have a general route sketched out and look forward to some beach days. Our host family was very nice, welcomed us into their home on our first day, and have assisted us kindly. We will be working hard on our tans, promise to drive somewhat safely, and will try to keep you all updated as internet cafes present themselves :)

Love you all, xo, Janelle

PS Emily is also keeping a Facebook page somewhat updated as well and will likely do a better job than me with her updates. I believe our FB page is Thema and Louise - Emily spelt "Thelma" wrong ;) FYI

Talk soon!![file](//



Cool Earth

Please support Janelle and Emily in their fundraising efforts for Cool Earth!
