Day 14. Jaisalmer finish line. One Rickshaw Run done!
Day 14. Jaisalmer finish line. One Rickshaw Run done!
Day 12. 0km. Spent the day in Jodhpur enjoying some shopping, sightseeing and a few too many selfies at the fort. Heading off early tomorrow on the road to Jaisalmer.
Day 11. 249km. Lovely lakeside breakfast in Udaipur before hitting the road to Jodhpur. For at least 150km we were accompanied by a caravan of 1000s of people on foot, on bicyles, on motorbikes, on tractor and trailer, on trucks heading towards the Krishna Janmashtami celebrations.
Day 10. 230km. Cruised into Udaipur for an afternoon dip in the pool, a bit of tat shopping and a lakeside sundowner.
Day 9. 289km of cruisey highways to the clean and green city of Gandhinager. Excellent grid system and there was even some proper use of the roundabouts.
Day 8. 282km through some stunning landscapes. Full family selfie count: 1. Crazy driving into the city and only one warm beer to settle the nerves. Now planning for tomorrow's exit north.
Day 7. 240km after a late start enjoying some 5 star luxury. Fed and watered just outside Sinnar and ready to smash some more kms tomorrow
Day 6. 338km through some stunning scenery - plains, valleys and hills with some hairpin bends but the most rewarding views from the top. Late afternoon hit a three-lane highway which is less scenic but carried us near to Pune, all looking forward to getting up a bit later than 5.30 tomorrow!
Day 5.
The days and the km are flying by - the direct route to Jaisalmer is just under 1500km away now, so in 5 days we’ve knocked 1000km off, although our total mileage is higher - scenic routes and the occasional wrong turn!
Covered another 200km, plagued by a fuse persistently blowing which leaves us without horn or wipers. Saved by local guys with fuses and chai, only to breakdown for some unknown reason 100km down the road, only yards from our hotel. Again saved by a nice man with an umbrella and a rickshaw driver who got us started. Beers well earned.
Hey, what's going on? We're the three non-blondes, Alice, Charlene (Char) and Ben.
After being thrown together on a Raleigh Borneo expedition in 2016 (the jungle is perilous when you're depending on 18 year olds for your survival) and a few other adventures, it's time for us to take on India - trying to get up that great big hill. Can the traffic really be any worse than the North Circular?
The Rickshaw Run's house charity