Team Peruvian Knights


Team Phil- (ShaftBurger)

Well how I would describe me,.
mechanically minded 'NO'..
dab hand at navigation 'NO'...
Hostage negotion skills NONE!
Driving skill.. still to be decided...
Blagging skills- Poor!
Drinking skills - Abismal!
Hang on what am I good for?... I know.. fitting kitchens, might come in handy you never know!


How would I describe myself hmm all the boring stuff first married, father the usual stuff.
Now for the relevant stuff excellent driver - definitely, hostage negotiator - probably not action rather than words more my thing, Navigation - not bad ( can you use sat navs in Peru?) Drinker - better than Phil ,
All in all think we will wing it through next few weeks- BRING IT ON !!!!!!!