Team Jaisalmer Taxi Service

Jaisalmer Taxi Service haven't posted any updates yet.


Navigator and camera guy. Jake is unnecessarily confident in his ability to way-find with only a compass; considering the fact that he has never done so. His job is also to make sure that we capture all of this ridiculousness on video. When he’s not eating something questionable from the street vendors you’re likely to find him haggling his way to the best prices on spare parts for the rickshaw. He’ll round out our multifarious soundtrack with Classic Rock and some folksy, hippie music.


Larissa is responsible for making sure that none of us get dysentery or Malaria. She has a refined taste for chai tea and an impeccable driving record, which she probably won’t put to use because she’ll make the Jakes drive the entire pothole-ridden route. She’ll charm our way out of any sticky situations that Jacob causes and she will undoubtedly make sure we’ve got the Country music flowing as we tuk tuk our way through downtown Delhi.


I love doing things. I'll try pretty much anything at least once. I'm an introvert by nature and like nothing more than relaxing and reading a book after a long day. Popcorn is my favorite food, the extremely buttery and bad for you kind. Blue is my favorite color. I like cold beer and I have a tattoo on my butt that says 'I party', I thought I should put those two together since they're synonymous. I wish you safety in your travels! Peace and love.