10 star hotel!!!

About to sort out a plate for under the car car but stopped here for a latte, wifi and a wash haha next stop gates of hell.
No boats!!!

Stuck in the port as no boats are showing up... On the plus side bumped into my rally teams to camp with

Only picture I had as I was asleep but landed in Baku very late
Trip to Baku
![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]() the long and boring drive to Baku but at least the sky is nice
Police stop

Mitchell's bad day continues... stopped for speed or something we didn't work it out haha
Azerbaijan entry!!!

So as we entered Mitchell crashed into the border control box breaking the wing...
Birthday drinks

As we was stuck at the Georgian border so long that we couldn't have a birthday drink so today with 60p beer we will be making up for yesterday
Heading out on my birthday
![Uploading file...]()

We woke up with the view of the balloons taking to the skies.
City centre

A limo driver in the traffic next to us said if you can drive here you can drive anywhere..