BIGGEST ASS DETOUR to reach furthust SW point of Europe
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What a crazy ride. I drove to Iran then I decided I wanted to see the Atlantic Ocean so I did the biggest ass detour imaginable. 7000 km later After battling with 2 fevers, stomach flu, sleeping in a haunted hotel and getting infested with bed bugs, wild camping, a lightening bolt hit right beside my car some time in the middle of the night in the desert, 9 hours at border stripped searched for drugs in Poland, stopped 3 times in Spain for drugs suspicion, got my first breathalyzer test, making and meeting new and old friends, I became an aunt to the most beautiful angel, surfing, waking and sleeping on a cliff side with the most unimaginable view I made it to the most south western point in Europe in Portugal. Now heading back out east.
ATV's in Goreme
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Booting around Goreme on ATV's with Pink Millenium Falcon and There and Yak!
Learning party tricks
The best time to learn to juggle is when you've got a million things to sort out for the rally.
We Bought a Car!
### Finally We Bought a Car.
What a beauty. I can't fathom that this tiny beast will take us through 20,000km of shit roads and being as it's red, it is a prime target for the corrupt pope's. Suzuki take us through bureaucratic kingdom come and we will brag your worthiness for years to come!
Russia we Salut you
Justine and I Sefora did the jittery first move of reluctantly handing over our key to spontoneous travel out of Canada for the next few days as we sent in our Passport for the Russian Visa's.
The best part of this story is making and early arrival to the consulate the lady was so excited about my travels and the Cover Letter she was so impressed in my head I'm like boo yah I'm one step away from not getting interrogated by the Russian's. *cue russian accent* "you are Independent Woman strong and brave, this is good adventure may my country welcome you."
On the other Hand Justine was a lot more nervous confiding in a friend.
Over All it's a Good Day **2 ** Visa's Down **5** to go
The Eighty Day Countdown
Sugar Honey Iced Tea! the cranky movement is beginning and with eighty days to go. We still ain't got a car. The only visa we managed to conjure from up our ass is the Turkish Visa; a sketch dude from Iran wants us to wire transfer him 300 pounds to Germany to Carnet de Passage; and we might as well me waddling in our shit as realization is hitting that this ain't an easy task. But we made it through the physiological "your crazy" test and have numbed our selves with denial that everything will be just fine (Cue Morgan Free man voice).
One sure thing. as hard headed Canadians Winter hasn't left us the strawberries are shivering in their soil and beer is still cold and we have a website [MONGOLRALLY2016.COM ] ( so check that baby out as we continue to push the mythical boulder up the hill and get our selves wasted on life.