Let's Get This Adventure Started

We're all checked into our hotel in Nairobi, we take off for India in just 14 hours. We've packed everything we remembered and everything we forgot has officially been left behind.
We've both been busy at work and have been traveling for work the last few days which has left us a bit bedraggled but nothing is going to stop us from making it to the starting line.
We're not even sure how to make sure all of our friends can even get to this blog, we'll hopefully figure that out very soon. If you have indeed found this blog we were either successful or very lucky that you found it. Since you've found it, please show how much you care by whipping out your credit card and clicking on the links below. We're doing this for charity after all.
[Cool Earth](https://www.crowdrise.com/rickshaw-run-for-cool-earth/fundraiser/nobackup)
[Equality Now](https://www.crowdrise.com/rickshaw-run-for-equality-now/fundraiser/nobackup)
More updates coming soon as soon as we figure out how to get them to everyone.
Cheers, Team Tuk It!