Team Tuk Me Gently

Ashley Robb
Of Tuk Me Gently
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Day one on the road and we have lost a wing mirror from one rickshaw, left a camera man behind, run out of money, used the first aid kit twice already and almost died about 20 times. Our camera man Ollies rickshaw got stuck in the police station and the driver Mitzy is racing the clock to catch up with us now that it has been released. Oh and we are preeeetty far away from where we need to be. All is going exactly to plan!




22 years old from Queenstown NZ, run my own business (horse training and teaching kiddies to ride) and dabble in a little adventure in the off season, I've done India twice and I'm looking forward to doing it all over again!


2 of us, a lighthearted, adventure addicted kiwi gal, and a totally in over his head American guy fleeing an orange dictator. On a mission to get lost in the absolute calamity that will be The Rickshaw Run 2017. We understand what we're in for in that we don't have a clue what is about to happen. Hoping not to tackle this tuk-tastrophe alone, we're seeking 4 more brave, savvy, and downright stupid souls to join in this downright insane endeavour.