Team Tuk Tuk and Away

Lyndsey Wright
Of Tuk Tuk and Away
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (January)

Posh hotel water feature

In response to rachaels post about falling in the water feature that was supposed to happen. I was simply checking the water temperature was correct. My pride is a little bruised. After exchanging the rickshaw for bicycles with suspension, we decided that we had to see if indian wine matched that of Europe. Needless to say it has alcohol and is wet so it ticked our boxes ;) we seemed to have lost most of the other teams and blasted through unseen india due to some technical navigational difficulties. We switched the rickshaw to 4/3 wheel 3x3 drive and drove through a river, roads which resembled a rock garden, glad we had that man lick our spark plugs clean before hitting the track. Definitely recommend it saw some amazing places. Matt was correct, 3 white girls driving through rural india where tv doesn't exist is very alien ;) i know how celebrities feel. First night of hot water, no mosquitos, duvet, a man who turns down the sheets :) big enough bed for 3 girls. We have left india and entered heaven for a midway treat (thanks rach) wine for the ending party.

Rachael Burke
Of Tuk Tuk and Away
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (January)


Right, so for some reason my last 4 text blogs have been deleted. So sum up... We're now in Nashik, we've been in the local newspaper (chased down by a reporter on a motorbike), we found a random guy who claimed to be a mechanic who then locked out spark plug, and we're now staying for one night only in a fancy resort in indias wine country, where Lynsey has fallen into a water feature. It's going well. Have also driven the wrong way around a roundabout.

Kirstyn MacRandal

Load Kirstyn

