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This rare assortment of Kiwis decided to get shoe-horned into a motorised peach tin before they’d even driven a car together ... But, there’s nothing like bouncing around the backroads of Sri Lanka for a bit of team bonding.
Jack, 27, is a mechanical fitter. If he can’t fit the doodacky into the thingamajig and make it jiggetywhatsit again, no one can. He might have worn his cap backwards on his nog so long it’s fused with his genetic code, but he can deliver one-liners that’ll split the atom. If we fail to take the bend for thigh-slappin’, it’s going to be Jack’s fault.
Mason, 23, is an engineer by trade with 1600 km of solid tuk tuk-ing already to his name. He had to pull that vehicle on like a tight pair of jocks to drive it but he must like a snug fit since he’s coming back for more. Mason can catch a rust fragment on the breeze and restore it to former glory. He never signs off a repair without a “that’ll hold” guarantee of excellence. The sheer force of his extroversion alone could propel us over the length and breadth of Sri Lanka.
Hannah, 40, is a writer, publisher and podcaster which is obsolete in a practical sense, but there will be multisyllabic commentary when the sh*t hits the fan. A seasoned adventure traveller and racer she brings wisdom, experience and cunning to the table alongside a signature loaf of sourdough. It’s been 14 years since competing in The Mongol Derby 2009 and she can’t wait to discover what fresh horrors she can inflict upon her backside during The Rickshaw Run.

Gumboot Friday / I Am Hope Foundation
Gumboot Friday is an initiative by I Am Hope Foundation, a fundraising and advocacy organisation, which supports young people who are struggling with their mental health.The charity helps connect young people with existing counsellors or therapists and provide funding, so that kids get help as soon as they need it. NZ Mental Health Statistics – Figures released last year by the Ministry of Justice, showed New Zealand’s suicide rates had increased for four consecutive years and are one of the leading countries in the world for youth suicide. Last year in New Zealand 137 young people died by suicide and it is estimated another 3,500 attempted to take their own lives. While Government agencies are doing their best, some kids are waiting up to six months to receive the counselling they so urgently need. I Am Hope Foundation is a registered charity (registration number CC44260) and overseen by a board of trustees, including mental health professionals. All donations made to the Gumboot Friday Fund directly support kids in need. Donations can only be accessed by a registered mental health professional on receipt of an invoice