Signing off

Signing off
9 x red strawberries (without sewing needles) who can't handle Sri Lankan heat. The Goslings join up with The Goon Bags, The Dash Cab and George and Louise.
A long drive through the night. Stopped by police and the military multiple times, must have been the duck on the roof?
Took some wrong turns but made it to Trincomalee... Only here for lunch and supplies.
Long drive through the night to Mullaittivu. Worth it for views like this.
Tucked off the northern tip of the country at Point Pedro. Confirmed that Tuk Tuks and sand do not mix.
The finish line is to the South East. So we've headed North West
The Goose is loose!! Day 1 kicking off in Jaffna
Day 0 - Rickshaw 101 training day
Learning how not to roll a tuk tuk, and other handy tips.
Rolled it at midnight last night. No idea how we're getting to Jaffna for the race start as the train is booked! Gonna have to hang off the side
To some, finding the similarities between a beloved childhood game and a 10 horse power scooter can be difficult. We at Tuk Tuk Goose see things more clearly.
Often in the game of duck duck goose, the forces which control the game are totally out of your influence. This draws parallels to the rickshaw, who's unreliability leads the driver to believe it operates under divine intervention rather than the mechanical principles which apply to normal vehicles.
However we've found that this uncertainty breeds excitement , and much like an 8 year old playing duck duck goose, you'll find us squealing with ecstasy when driving our beloved tuk tuk.