Team The IndoStructibles

Christian Middlemiss
Of The IndoStructibles
On the Rickshaw Run South East Asia 2012 (October)

Bogor, Indonesia

slight setback.Plan was to drive through the night to reach the port so we can commence Sumatran assault tomorrow; Driving towards Jakarta in the dark, total power failure including lights in the middle of the highway; quite exciting.Towed to nearest hotel & working on new plan

Christian Middlemiss
Of The IndoStructibles
On the Rickshaw Run South East Asia 2012 (October)

, Solo River, Indonesia

The indostructible vehicle proved to be the opposite. We have combined the best bits of two teams, joining forces with the 1 remaining member of team Awesome to try to reach medan without using trucks. Made it from Bali to solo in 2 days and pushing on to borobudur tonight.@


Having completed two previous adventures, one could be forgiven for thinking that Chris would be a useful member of the team. Sadly this is far from the case. Still posessing no mechanical skills at all and a newly acquired fear of heights after a few close calls on the mountains of Peru he is more likely to prove a liability.
His experience of creative use of Duct Tape may be useful but this could well prove one adventure too many for this fragile veteran and a complete mental breakdown cannot be ruled out.

Tom Raftery

Load Tom

steven boyde

Load steven

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