At this point it is important to mention that the most popular and useful aftermarket modification to an auto rickshaw is definitely a high quality parking brick, found on all good gutters!
At this point it is important to mention that the most popular and useful aftermarket modification to an auto rickshaw is definitely a high quality parking brick, found on all good gutters!
I'm sat in the back if an Uber driving through the streets of Bengaluru, there's a lot to take in but it looks like driving will be relevantly easy as a balls up will result in instant swift death.
One of the most important things to notice is that there is a natural unsigned speed limit that just seems to work, the cars are like ants and move around each other.
Off to see our teams impeccably painted tuk tuk, will post pics soon but until then here is Bengaluru.
Arrived in Kochi to pretty heavy rain, after two long flights and a cheeky big tasty at Abu Dhabi (boy it's so much worse when there are no nutrition standards) managed to find a cheap hotel with three whole beds, and air conditioning. And for all this we paid.... Well quite a fortune.
I'm laid on my bed, exhausted with 17 degrees of air conditioning, time to sleep and move on to Bengaluru tomorrow.
Important things to do a day before you fly:
* Watch TV
* Consider packing bag
* Consume food produce which will not be found in India
* Remove passport from super secure location next to the "Men in Black 2" DVD
* Think of things to add to this list
* Purchase all the water purification tablets on Amazon
* Obtain moderate number of baby wipes
N - 'Has it hit you guys yet?'
K - 'More each day'
C - 'Are we camping?'
I type this a mere 8 days before the event begins. I'm thrilled to report that the bucket list is at a low enough level where potential death is no longer considered a problem to me, and therefore can dedicate a little more time to how me and my highly trained team will survive the upcoming journey.
In my highly trained and professional team I have one Business Analyst/Planner and an entire Software tester. As I am a software engineer myself now would be a good time to say if the challenge was to deliver a quality software product under budget and on time, then we would be the group to call....
However we are not, and most likely will spend two weeks driving around the same piece of countryside and moaning about the heat/bumpy roads and potentially even each other.
So here we are, the most rational and approachable people you will ever meet... and someone from Lancashire.
Why are we doing this you may ask.... No clue, absolutely no clue at all