Last night in Almaty!
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Last night in Almaty!
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Astana, Baiterek Tower.

Leaving Astana to try to get to Karagandy tonight. FYI aparently the road is something like dirt track
@UhuruTeam entered Kazakstan

Hey hey hey!! We are already in Kazakstan. Border through south Cheliabinsk was easy peacy, no longer than an hour. They were happy to see tourists other than just Russians! Tonight we'll be at Burabay Lake, incredible landscape 200K North Astana. If someone's around join us!!
Russian border..
Our last European city! Uhuru drives to Russia today. Good luck everyone !
First homework done!! We made to Prague and ready for everything. See you all at the gates big fam!!
Between Germany and Czech Rep!!
Crossing the whole german country to go meet our Czech friends!! Naats! We are at Instagram on @Uhuruteam
Uhuru hiting tha' roads!!!
On our way to Czech Republic, see you there big family!!!
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We are 3 great friends with a passion for adventure and proven track record in voluntary work and expeditions!
We want to undertake a project to purchase the land needed to build an orphanage in the city of Pokhara, Nepal. We want to build an orphanage with a capacity for 16 children. Keep in mind that the orphanage will not only benefit the 16 that currently reside there but that it will also serve for many more generations to come.
Wineyard in La Rioja
Online shop for bowties, bag packs and trendy shirts.
Neupic es el primer diario de suscripción al autor, sin línea editorial, sin publicidad y sin intermediarios. Neupic conecta a los lectores con sus autores favoritos, entre los que destacan periodistas, comunicadores y autores de información especializada. Noticias de última hora, reportajes de actualidad, artículos de opinión y columnas que engloban todo tipo de géneros.
España Rumbo al Sur es un programa de formación práctica para jóvenes de 16 y 17 años de cualquier lugar del mundo que tengan conocimientos de lengua española