Team Unsalted Nuts




Three nuts, one boat likely full of terrible ideas and chaos.

S.A.I.L. Champion

The SAIL Champion Program is a sailing program created by Maritime Heritage Alliance and Mental Wellness Counseling that combines traditional sailing skills with onboard counseling sessions. The program strives to teach leadership, responsibility, and self-awareness in at-risk youth in Northern Michigan. Right now, We have a gofundme set up to raise funds for it. However donations can be directly made to the organization below with "Unsalted Nuts" in the memo line.


Cool Earth

Half of the world’s rainforest has been destroyed in the last 40 years. And, contrary to the headlines, rainforest continues to be lost at a faster rate than ever. But it’s not too late. Cool Earth believes the rainforest can be saved. We just need a new approach. That’s why we don’t create reserves or put up fences. We don’t buy land. Instead, we put local people back in control of their forest. Local people stand to lose the most from deforestation but the most to gain from its protection. As such, they are the forest’s best possible custodians. That’s why all Cool Earth partnerships are community-owned and led – an approach that research is continually proving to be the most effective way to keep rainforest standing. By developing local livelihoods, our mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty. Creating strong, self-determining communities – not dependency. We are also the only charity that works solely where the threat to the forest is greatest, on the frontline of deforestation. And each of our partnerships forms a shield to make the neighbouring forest inaccessible to loggers – saving millions of acres of further forest.
