Team Vicious & Delicious

Car doctors!

Right, so things have progressed a little east by about 300miles, but we pay the price with the car now falling apart!!! Firstly the sump began to hang in Kazakhstan but then eventually gave in a couple of days ago on some serious rocky terrain. Plus the roof rack started caving in so some serious shifting had to be done. We had the sump re-welded in Khovd on Sunday. This obviously wasnt done to great standard as if fell off on one side 60km into next days drive? The roads are tediously corrugated so rattle the entire car, body and brain, filling us constantly with dust!! With all these bumps going on our rear shocks decided they had been through enough pain and broke about 120miles ago, we have just managed to get new ones put on, however there is still a very odd sound coming from under the bonnet and the car sounds ultimate boy racer style!! We had to pull over last night and sleep in the cars yet again, due to a fantastic storm that had been playing chase with us all day, I advise to not pee at all when theres' winds like that!!! Fingers crossed we might make some more ground tonight but our convoy punto has pieced there gear box at present so hopefully that is repairable quickly?? So long folks, till the next update... Lis and Charlie xxx

We made it finally...Mongolia!!!

**Hi there everyone,**

**After a glorious couple of days travelling over stunning russian mountains camping by the river we made it to the Mongolian border where we were greeted by about 10other teams who had been there sometime some of them 24hours already, waiting to go through, this didn't look promising!! So low and behold we all bombarded the mongolian customs offices and camped out the night on their floor, they weren't to impressed but we told themit was too cold outside!!**

**14th August- Next morning, fingers crossed we would get through today?**

**And yes.... at 1.24p.m we were allowed to cross into Mongolia what a celebratory site 5teams together. We are now in a town called Olgii about 80km south of the border, we have climbed 8500ft and had the feeling of altitude breath for the first time, Magnificantely beautififul and so much more to come....**

**Will keep you all informed as much as we can, oh yes, and cars are still alive!!**

**Charlie and Alicia xx **


Hi guys we have finally made it across Russia today and have climbed about 5000 meters towards a little town called Tashanta on the Mongolian border. Its been a good drive for the last couple of days and the snow covered mountains are pretty spectacular but it is getting cold and we are wearing most of are clothes. We will have to camp here for at least a day because they are only letting six cars at a time cross the border and this is down to a minor hiccup by the Adventurists ... Time for some well earned food........

Russian Border...

Hi everyone.. So after a good days driving we have finally made it to the border of Russia without any problems and are now waiting for the border Police to workout if they know what country they are in and what their jobs are.( 2 hours and counting)!!!!! time for a brew I think....![Cool](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif "Cool")![Kiss](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-kiss.gif "Kiss")


Im not eating horse...

So we are 200 hundred miles south of the Russian border in a town called Ayakoz (its a bit weird) and have decided to stay in what we think is a hotel, which is really nice after camping for so many days. They have got horse on the menu and we narrowly avoided eating it due to some rather rapid translating.. Phew!!!!!  If all goes to plan then we will reach Russia tomorrow sometime xx  

Aral sea.

 Hi everyone![Tongue out](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif "Tongue out") we have made it 4000 miles so far to Kazakstan and currently we are near the Aral sea. We have been off road for the last two days making slow but steady progress and really hope to find some better roads soon. The car is running great other than the occasional cough and we are both safe and well. Onwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone,


Just a quickie, we're in Kiev!! about to go look around and hopefully eat some chicken, check out the uploaded piccies, only from the first stages of the journey to Czech Rep, onwards through the big incomplete country of Ukraine!! ![Cool](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif "Cool")![Surprised](editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-surprised.gif "Surprised")xxx V&D

Alicia Proud

A third of the way around the world, easy... with my pal in tow, theres bound to be many laughs, tears, couple of punches Im sure!! can't wait for the memories gonna be epic!!

read more... Load Alicia

Charlotte Burrough

Load Charlotte

<h1 align="center"><font color="#0a21f4" face="georgia,palatino" size="4"><em>WE NEED YOUR PENNIES TO MAKE THIS MISSION POSSIBLE, PLEASE GIVE WHAT EVER YOU HAVE, SPARE CHANGE IN YOUR POCKET, A CUP OF COFFEE, OR HAVE A LOOK DOWN THE SIDE OF THE SOFA, EVERY LITTLE COUNTS!!!</em></font></h1><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><u><strong>What is the Mongol Rally ?</strong></u></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="3"><strong>The Mongol rally has been going for seven years now, raising over &pound;100,000 pounds for local charities in Mongolia. It is an adventure,not a well earnt holiday, &nbsp;driving a third of the way around the world, with no back up, support or route, whey hey, bring it on!!!</strong></font></p></blockquote><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><u><strong>Why?</strong></u></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="3"><strong>Why not...This year our chosen charity will be CNCF, Christina Noble Childrens&nbsp;Foundation, which&nbsp;supports&nbsp; homeless children and gives them a new chance in life with a safe place to live, education, and all the support of a family with their innovative techniques, giving them the love and respect to each child as an individual</strong>.</font></p></blockquote><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><strong><u>Where it goes</u></strong></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="3"><strong>The Rally starts in London, Uk meets it Czech Republic to unite with fellow drivers from Italy and France, and Spain, where we will all go our seperate deciding ways, good luck! Then to hopefully reach Mongolia Ulaan Baatar about 4weeks later, possibly not in one piece but still&nbsp;smiling and with four wheels.</strong></font></p></blockquote><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><strong><u>When ?</u></strong></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="3"><strong>Vicious and Delicious&nbsp;and many other&nbsp;teams&nbsp;leave&nbsp;the UK 24th July 2010, Goodwood Park. Please come and wave us off..</strong></font></p></blockquote><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><strong><u>HOWEVER....</u></strong></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="3"><strong>We are two friends with a brilliant idea of completing the Mongol Rally together, not mechanically minded,&nbsp;one of us incapable&nbsp;at reading maps, scarred of any bugs, dirt and the cold, we wont be&nbsp;going north then? |The elder a tad on the bossy side, and is always &quot;right&quot; but a true adventurer at heart.</strong></font></p></blockquote><p><font color="#f2db0c" size="3"><strong><u>AND..</u></strong></font></p><blockquote><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif"><strong><font size="3">We must do all of this in a very small car, less than 1.2litre and no older than 10years old, dont want much then !</font> </strong></font></p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000" face="Comic Sans MS" size="3">SO, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DONATE NOW WHAT YOU CAN!!</font></strong></p></blockquote><p><font face="Courier New"></font></p>