Team W1 FBC

Mike Norris
On the Rickshaw Run August 2018

Came across a waggon on its side and one slightly confused or concussed driver in the middle of the road. All he could say was stranded so we took him to civilization. We soon realised that he was drunk as well so we stopped at what we thought was a restaurant to get him some help as there was a clear language barrier.  It wasn't a restaurant is was a wine shop oops but we dumped him anyway.   No pictures didn't seem appropriate.  We are now in Karwar

Mike Norris
On the Rickshaw Run August 2018

Winnie's Wheels hot wired then driven to the best tuk tuk mechanic in Mapusa. Wiring loom repaired from battery to engine can't happen again as line fuse installed as there where no protection previous. Consider it a lucky escape. Only a few days to go but had doors fitted as well. Promised to call him when we reach Bangalore so he knows we are safe. Such a nice man. When we get back to Goa at Christmas we are invited to visit him again and spend some time with him and his family. He is working on his own brand new tuk tuk not even registered yet but will have lights and a a sound system so will be cruising around at Christmas




2 young at heart Old buggers. Looking for a great adventure before we die! Whilst raising money for charity

Fight Bladder Cancer

A UK charity run to support those suffering from or affected by bladder cancer.
