Team What The Damn Hell

Bronwyn Sletcher
Of What The Damn Hell
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (August)

1000km to go

It's been a rough couple of days. Our Rick has not been well and we have not been able to drive more than 20km an hour. Finding a mechanic who is willing to help us has been nearly impossible. The rickshaws we have been given are so old that the parts are not manufactured any more. On top of that most of the mechanics will only work on a Diesel engine... Of course we drive a petrol rickshaw. But today we had a miracle and we located a super helpful mechanic who was willing to clean out our carberator and get us functioning at a normal speed again. There was pure elation in the rickshaw this afternoon!

Bronwyn Sletcher
Of What The Damn Hell
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (August)

33 hours in far

Thats right, we're counting the hours! Shillong has been a bit of a rough ride for us. My cold morphed into something infinitely worse...I've been assuming it's tonsillitis but who the hell knows. The result was that today Ryan and Amy had to spend the day buying supplies for the Rickshaw on their own. Two very worn out bunnies returned to me at the end of the day.

Tonight was the group Q&A which just reiterated everything we already knew.... get lost have fun and go with the flow. It was great to have all the runners in the room together and the sense of excitement was palpable.

Tomorrow it's my turn to learn how to drive our new baby and hopefully learn how to start it. Apparently the only all female group was finding it next to impossible!

We all all super ready to get on the road now and see more of what India has to offer...Bring on 11am on Wednesday!

Bronwyn Sletcher
Of What The Damn Hell
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (August)

Dear Friends and Family

So, the day is almost upon us. In 3 days 7 hours and 54 minutes I will be heading off to meet Ryan and Amy in Guwahati in North East India. After a couple days of getting acclimatised to India we will officially begin the race on 5 August.

We are hoping to keep this page updated with our approximate location every couple of days so keep an eye on this page if you're interested in our progress.




Three saffas on a crazy adventure