Team Wheels of Glory

Marina Hofer
Of Wheels of Glory
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Almost there

So for me, this will be my first trip outside Europe... except for Japan. But that doesn't really count. Japan is nice and safe (and crazy).

In other words. I'm deadly nervous. A lot. All the time. Still about 14 days to go until we depart, and i'm going crazy.

Today, we booked a nice little B&B somewhere near Kochi for the first few days. Now I'm not only nervous but also horribly excited.

So looking forward to all of this :D

Greetings, Marina


Up until now I always thought I would never do anything more crazy than PnP or Larp.
Well... aparently I was wrong.



About a year ago, Michèle asked Marina and Yves: Have you ever done something completely insane?
... and now we are here.

Cool Earth - Asháninka

From our first village partner of Cutivireni, they are now working with 16 Asháninka villages in Peru’s Ene Valley. This valley is one of the world’s most at-risk areas, with illegal logging and coca destroying the forest. By linking villages together, they are shielding millions of acres of neighbouring forest from loggers.
