Team EnviroBren

Steve Mclauchlan
Of EnviroBren
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013


Getting ready to leave Tocache and head towards Tarapoto. Paid our first bribe to the Ronderos, don't argue with a shotgun wielding group. Also had a guy on a truck aiming his machine gun at us, looked a bit bigger than an AK47, maybe an M16? We were expecting dirt road from Tingo Maria, but it is all good highway :(. Hoping today is a bit rougher, have emergency vodka in case of camping :)

Steve Mclauchlan
Of EnviroBren
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

Huanuco,Huanuco Region,Peru

Made it to Huanuco yesterday afternoon, several police checks, Bazza the kangaroo saved the day. 4400 metre pass. Traffic is insane in Huanuco during the Jesus festival! Today we are heading for the Jungle, Tingo Maria awaits. Bikes engine is getting a bit rattly, but we will push on.



Looking Forward to going to Peru and having a fantastic adventure with my Partnet Steve and all the other teams!
We love getting out in Nature and have just finished a Borneo Jungle Challenge for Greenpeace! We love to help out where we can and raise funds for worthy charities!

<p><font face="book antiqua,palatino" size="4">Well it looks like we are off on another adventure! <br />I thought I had enough of Broken down motorbikes in Vietnam! but apparently not! As Bren and I are off on a crazy adventure to limp/nurse/drag a 3 wheeled contraption the length of Peru.</font></p><p><font face="book antiqua,palatino" size="4">At least this device of torture will have enough room to carry emergency supplies of Beer. We know how thirsty we can get while waiting on the side of the road! I am sure beer will also come in handy when trying to avoid bandits on a hot day by offering them a nice cool drink ;) and sitting down to discuss our situation!</font></p><p><font face="Book Antiqua" size="4">We will be rasing Funds for Cool Earth and also for WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Both of these charities are very deserving and in need of all the help we can give them.</font></p>