Team White Raven

Aiee, aiee to Varanasi!

Aiee, aiee to Varanasi!

This city should be one of the holiest and cleanest in India. It should be colorful and magic. It is one of the oldest settlements in the world.

Perhaps we're here at the wrong time of the year. Until now most of the indians we've met were curious, polite and helpful. But here in Varanasi we were getting ripped off at least two times. Not a very nice experience. No magic at all. And this town is filthy.

Hopefully the sundown at the Assi Ghat will be a nice experience.

Your White Raven Team PS: Our first full Inspection for our rickshaw was one of the rip-offs. But at least it's done.

Alexandre Rabe

Load Alexandre

Birgit Rabe

Load Birgit
