Team Windy City Wanderers

Eric Krause
Of Windy City Wanderers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Our last night here. Sadly our old convoy has not made it in as of yet. Last report was they had 1000 km to go and were only making 280 km a day. At that rate late Friday or Saturday. I hope they are well and make it in safe. We are off to China in the morning, another week another country. We'll post pics when we are back. Thanks for coming along.

Eric Krause
Of Windy City Wanderers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

We emptied the truck last night and have the keys to the lads with Adventures for Development. They were moving it to a secure garage. Our little truck is very valueable here and will be given directly to one of the charities, once they clean it up and put proper suspension in place of the improvised "repair" that got us here. More later.

Eric Krause
Of Windy City Wanderers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Terekty, Kazakhstan

finally making headway noticed rattling, second spring snapped. After closer look frame of truck is busted, found local welder to weld strap across break. Should get up moving but chances of making it to UB getting slimmer.running out of time and funds went negative 2 weeks ago. Flight home is 3 countries and thousands of miles away.


Misfit of society obsessed with seeing what lies beyond the horizon. Being to stubborn to quit or to dumb to know better I stumbled through the 2010 Mongol Rally and the spring 2011 Mototaxi Junket,ruining 2 perfectly good team mates along the way. In 2012 I was sent an invite to pioneer the first Ice Run. Despite days of sub zero temps and towing another team for hundreds of Kilometers the Ice Run came to a close at the Arctic circle. Not long after surviving the mother of all adventures I had the opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the MR by joining 10 veterans and 6 newcomers on the Team Dixie Chicken Bus. A short yellow school bus that has since circumnavigated the globe. The Adventurists, who are known to have the attention span of an average 7 year old, decided the old Ice Run was perhaps a bit tame so once again I was off to re Pioneer the 2015 Ice Run at Lake Baikal. At the Annual Adventurists Conference, in London, "Adventure 10" was unveiled and attendees were offered the chance to ride Monkey bikes across the Sahara desert. Yup, you guessed it, I'm off to Morocco to attempt something that can only be described as just plain stupid. Obviously, I have serious metal issues and should seek proper treatment.Guessing that will not happen any time soon short of a court order.

Nathan Krause


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Robert Krause

I yam what I yam, & that\'s all I can be! >^.=.^<

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William Riches

Trying to find my way in life... maybe ill start looking around while i walk my path

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<p><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'comic sans ms', sans-serif"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: xx-large"><strong>Mission accomplished! Truck in (mostly) one piece and off to deserving charity.</strong></span></font></p>