Another long day in the mountains followed by more savagery. 44

Another long day in the mountains followed by more savagery. 44
Treated ourselves to some tarmac today after two brutal days in the mountain. Fucking rough start then me stumbled across a Palace of a hotel in Ouarzazate and drunk them out of wine. Tomorrow we finally point our shitbuckets vaguely towards Marrakech and cross those hills for a third and final time.
Day 4. Still wizarding the fuck the out of it in the mountains. Back on the wrong side of the Atlas. A third crossing to be done before we can head to Marrakech for warm beers at the finish line.
Day 3. ~180km through the mountains on unmapped roads and hiking trails despite locals insisting it was impossible. We were still in the middle of nowhere at sundown.
Day two done. 140km crawled. 14 testicles frozen. Wizard outfits purchased. Dive bar found. Tomorrow morning brings Morocco's most dangerous "road".
Day one done. Covered less than half our goal. Time for a desperately needed hair of the dog. Or 10.