New update from Twitter
my new horse, going to hardware shop to get ladder first!
New update from Twitter
my new horse, going to hardware shop to get ladder first!


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Mongolia – here I come!
I guess there are many of us, who talk about doing some crazy stuff and either never get around to doing it or, are just too chickensh*t to actually eventually do it.
Now, at the verge of being almost too old and too responsible to be doing something I have always dreamed of doing, and on top of that way too “outa shape” and busy busy with my own company, the time has come to prove to you all, that I can still be adventurous enough to ride across the Mongol Steppe’s without my luxury cars, housemaid, pool boy, champagne, fois gras, caviar and Louboutin.
About myself… self employed, running a very successful destination company in the United Arab Emirates, married, two kids, lived all over the world and totally mad about horses. Didn’t spend much time at school, but a lot of time in the stables. Have ridden almost all types of horses on the planet and am passionate about Arab horses because you can never ever be in full control and they do what they want with you.
Mongol Derby – they say it is the toughest horse race in the world. 1000km to be accomplished in 10 days. Every 40km you get a new horse – semi wild – wow!!! How to train, how to get fit? I have invested in a skipping rope, will be riding daily a few horses, need to learn some Mongolian and definitely have to work on that diet!
Nationality: German 50% / New Zealand 50%
Age: 39
Adventuring ethos:
Am out to win. It can never be too cold, too sore, too tough or too lonely.
World less boring o meter:
Actually, I can be quite boring unless you can make me laugh. Then I don’t stop. I laugh like a Hyena for hours and hours and you are sure to hear me anywhere, even in Mongolia!