Andhra Pradesh, India
Tamil Nadu, India
finding a hotel in this place was extremely difficult and stressful. Long islands on there way.
Tamil Nadu, India
long day, bed time. Having a blast.
Kerala, India
First day of driving was intensive to say the least we encountered our first little crash thanks to a certain man named Tim "western". Also we had our first break down which was about an hour in. Four white guys in a pimped out Rickshaw sure do stick out like dogs balls. Roughly it took us 6 hours to drive 130 km. We had arranged to stay and a hostel but it gave us a bit of an uneasy feeling so we're living it up tonight at a classy 15 dollar a night establishment. Hope to make it to a IPL cricket match in about two days if we make it in time. It's certainly a lot different being out of a tourst area.
Kerala, India
had a big last night. Sampled the local gin. Getting excited to play cricket with the locals.
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23 years old interested in doing anyhing that sounds a little intrepid or adventurous and generally off the beaten track so the rickshaw run sounded perfect. Four lads from new zealnd on a three week long excursion travelling the lenght of India in a 7hp rickshaw, should be interesting!
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="color: black">On Tuesday the 2nd of April 2013 We're off to India to take part in a pan-Indian adventure in a 7 horsepower glorified lawnmower Known as a Tuk Tuk. Its Loud, uncomfortable, prone to breaking down a lot and completely useless at protecting you from the elements . With a pounding heart of 145.45cc we’ll be travelling approximately 4500km finishing on the Himalayan border. The main goal is to survive the whole ordeal whilst trying to break down as least as possible. However a close second is the fundraising aspect of the event. Our chosen charity is ’FRANK Water’ . FRANK Water saves lives through funding innovative and sustainable clean water projects in developing countries. We have currently raised $1300.00. If anyone feels like they would support this cause go to this link <a href=""></a>. More information on water FRANK Water can be found at this link: <a href="wlmailhtml:{A3465C84-8C1D-4060-93C2-7B9F7F06F44C}mid://00000028/!x-usc:" title=""><font color="#0000ff"></font></a> </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="color: black"> </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="color: black">If anyone is interested in following our progress or lack of you can go to this link <a href="wlmailhtml:{A3465C84-8C1D-4060-93C2-7B9F7F06F44C}mid://00000028/!x-usc:" title=""><font color="#0000ff"></font></a> I’ll be attempting to update our blog/location as often as possible.</span></p>