Piura, Peru
finished! Miguel all in one piece. Chilling by the pool with well earned beers. 4th team to finish. Not bad going. Tough as hell, but what a feat...
Piura, Peru
finished! Miguel all in one piece. Chilling by the pool with well earned beers. 4th team to finish. Not bad going. Tough as hell, but what a feat...
Pucará, Peru
Jonathan's gone local and is having a nap on the roadside next to Miguel
Pomacochas, Peru
Meg finally things we may make the finish on time. www.quechair.com
Tarapoto, Peru
trucked it today. Still 1am and just arrived at our destination mind you...
Huánuco Region, Peru
another monster day. On the road at 5am and 300km down. From the highest city in the Andes (freezing and snow), down to the Amazon jungle, within a few hours of each other. But, finally reached somewhere before nightfall and not in the rain. More jungle tomorrow.
JunÃn, Peru
Not such a bad day today - except for the last hour driving in sheeting rain, and freezing conditions 4,100 feet up in the Andes on a glorified moped. www.quechair.com
Huancayo, Peru
a most ridiculous day. 11 breakdowns between us, another 16 hours on the road, and a little time spent in a ditch. Ahh, the joys...
Lima Region, Peru
it's 5.45am and we're up and heading out to Huancayo. Praying for a place to stay with a shower, toilet and electricity. Let's hope the bike can hold out for 1 more day for it's every other day service.
Chincheros, Peru
the boys got a new engine, but unfortunately we lost half a day of driving. However, driven on one of the best roads down the Andes. ** some text is missing **
Andahuaylas District, Peru
What a day. 16 hours on the road, and only 200 km done. Sea Gypsies broke down at 7pm on one of the highest parts of the Andes and proceeded to push & free wheel their way for 40km. Knackered is not the word..