Team Three Canucks in a Tuk Tuk

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A techno-wheenie that works with computers as a day job and dreams about a better time when we didn't have so much technology. Throughout my 20′s I've dreamed of being in the Mongol Rally. I've signed up for many waiting lists, but when it came time to commit, I could never find any teammates that would commit to such a crazy journey. Who would want to go on a half-way-around the world from London to Mongolia on a total POS car that’s guaranteed to break down?! I’m lucky enough to find Ben and Sean, who agreed to a strikingly similar adventure to satisfy my thirst for adventure… Driving a 150cc two-stroke golf cart with three wheels, 3500 kilometers across India! That is also guaranteed to break down! Let's git'r'done!


Addicted to adrenalin and lacking good judgment he can at times be unpredictable. One must be especially cautious when he is bored or directly following the question “you want to see something cool?”. Which is not really a question but rather a warning or at least a good indication you might want to get your camera ready. So whether he’s jumping a big wheel or a subaru, whether he’s crashing into a telephone pole or a snowbank, whether he’s breaking his front forks or his front teeth, one thing is certain. Its never, ever, EVER going to be dull.A comment to Sean about an interest in doing the Baja1000 (in the stock VW Bug class!) reminded him of a recent conversation with Gary about doing the Mongol Rally. A couple Facebook messages later and here we are.


The only sane one of the bunch…CORRECTION…The one of the bunch who most closely resembles a sane person – He is still far from it. Race cars and rock music are his hobbies, 3D animation is his career and where there’s a birthday party, you know he’ll be there. If you’d asked him, just over a year ago, where he saw himself in a year, he definitely wouldn’t have answered “In India with my two close friends, clinging on for dear life to a 3 seat motorcycle that couldn’t dream of going the speed limit downhill, trying to make our way across the country with our bodies, egos and friendships still intact” – But it turns out that that is exactly what he’s doing…”Who talked me into this?” He wonders. Nevertheless, he knows that he’s in for the trip of a lifetime and wouldn’t pass it up for anything.