Team zero2zero corporation

Daniel Kaerger

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Sebastian Kaerger

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<h1>Hey Friends, Folks and Adventure Lovers, </h1><p><font size="2">at this point we will give you all the information about our plannings for the Mongolia Rally 2010, our car, that we are going to buy in the next weeks, some sidekicks and background information about us two rally riders.</font></p><p><font size="2"><strong>And don't forget about the most important part of the rally!</strong></font></p><p><font size="2">We're not doing this just for our fun - yes of course, it'll be a lot of fun and adventure - <strong>BUT</strong> we are also doing it to sensibilize you and everyone outthere to the problems and needs of Mongolia. <br />And this is a part where you come along! We need your help and espacially your money in the next months to keep it going. </font></p><p><font size="2"><strong>Furthermore</strong> we will divide this blog into two parts:</font></p><ol><li><font size="2">You see us organising the rally with all problems and all funny parts and</font></li><li><font size="2">We're trying to give you some more hard facts about mongolia that even <strong>YOU</strong> get closer to this country. </font></li></ol><p><font size="2">So, keep an eye on it! We are trying to feed this page with all the latest, most important and aswell ridiculous facts.<br />This little <strong>shortcut </strong>will help you to remember us:<strong> CTRL + D </strong></font></p><p style="font-style: italic"><font size="3"><strong>RoCk Dan &amp; Seb</strong></font></p>