Entered Russia 2 this morning and have been driving since. Won't make the border before it closes, so we've booked a hostel in Tashanta for the night, and will cross into Mongolia tomorrow morning!
Entered Russia 2 this morning and have been driving since. Won't make the border before it closes, so we've booked a hostel in Tashanta for the night, and will cross into Mongolia tomorrow morning!
On our way to Bishkek, maybe we reach Kasakhstan today. Some stomach issues, but a bit better today.
Sleeping outside on a terrace in Khiva with Team Flying Hirtsh. Plan is to have a long drive tomorrow, getting close to Samarkand.
Got the car back on the road 10pm, and drove almost to the Turkmenistan border. Found a camp site by the road and set up. Crossing the border around 9-10 tomorrow.
/ Plan was Gates of Hell tomorrow, but might be a day in Ashgabat first depending on how early the car is fixed and the border control..
In some city north in Iran - had to pull over and straight into a workshop due to some noise in the front left wheel.. Mechanics looking into it now.. Hopefully we will be on our way again shortly..
Drove from Rasht to Badeb-e Soort today and an amazing camp site. Tomorrow we're getting up at sunset and watch the famous waters here, which is a quick walk from here. Then we head off somewhere close to the Turkmenistan border.
Arrived in Tbilisi and the really cool Fabrika Hostel. Plan is to go to Armenia tomorrow then Iran the day after. Still on schedule.
Started with a small breakdown this morning. Our rear brakes were damaged after the D915 yesterday, but 1h and a kebap later it was welded perfectly together, for the total cost of 50 lira (75kr).. Now closing up for the Georgian border.
D915 - an absolute mind blowing experience. We survived. Our drone didn't. Rest in peace, with the awesome footage of the mountains on your memory card.