Elliot Scarbrow

Day 7&8 Radisson Baby!

We are currently in Varanasi after horrid drive from Rewa on national highway 7 which for the record is the worst road ever built- it looks like its been hit be a metorite shower, gone a couple rounds with Mike Tyson and relaid by a drunken monkey.  Today was our most painful days driving yet- it wasn't the longest but Trigger certainly shakes the living life out of you on these roads.  There have been far too many incidents on the road and whilst driving in the cities to regale here and do true justice to the tale.  Our biggest concern has been our relationship with the road kings (massive highway trucks) and lunatic bus drivers who have no regard for road safety or the laws of physics (i.e. load,speed, motion) and who continally try to run us off the road. 

Today a shining light lay at the end of the very bumpy highway 7 in the form of the Radisson Varanasi which is much needed tlc after days of grime, hours of driving, grotty hotels, insects, bugs, bed bugs, bodily fluids, a little bit more dirt and clothes so dirty that we're not sure we should even be bringing them home.

Tomorrow is our first day off and we plan to see Varanasi which is where all the action apparently happens on the Ganges and then on Tuesday morning we'll continue our journey north to the Nepalise border. 

Distance to date 2379km in our ricketyshaw!