Alexander Bell

SMS Update

Monday we think roof rak died 2day 500ish miles from UB lovely desert day v hot dusty nev other teams Danger Cart the Swift is a bit shortr aft incident off road. Takin devour aft mtng local longer but faster over 8000miles on clock 2 no mor fines bribes or anytin, seen camel goat sheep horse eagle dog fox lizard beetle mice etc also HellBus 16 inc 2 Rallyists in an old transit nonstop 2 UB not nice hope not need 1 cookies as snacks 2day, also river x-ing 2 Dave fine other ok 2 aft walk down river 2 find good spot, beers broke in bak can and bottle also petrol can got leak 2. Normal day!! @

SMS Update

Day wotevr 1 camp abandoned aft 30secs mosie invasion 2 camp not as bad evry1 socks tukd in buffs on head stil bein atakd wiv spray on, Paul of Pirates cookd pasta and stuf v nice warnd othr teams headin lower of mosies so had 9 teams camp. Off at 8am roads tough but got 2 65mph scary bumps rocks lorrys fun stuf 2 gettin hairy again hot no cloud sum tummy probs in gp 2 we r fine at mo scenery amazin stil mountains lakes people valleys. Hav fun.

SMS Update

Wel another cold 1 lst nite not as bad as border carprk its the altitude liner and bag fine stil havnt had 2 zip up but didnt tink id need tis clothin agn aft Poland evn hav hat gloves now stil good fun convoy 4 at mok mor teams nearby needd mor beer and vodka tho sum sat in sleepn bags at 10pm brrr earliest bin 2 bed on tour normally stil drivin at 23.30 big drive 2moro jst out of Olgy at mo beautiful as evr roads awful lots of k's stil 2 do

SMS Update

Ok here we go got 2 russian side of border at 2pm 6th got 2 mongol side abt 5pm let out in2 Mongolia 4pm 7th gr8. Car wer impounded stayed ovr nite in basically a carprk not alone 12 rallists and the 1s ther had been ther day 2 v cold -10 wiv chill at least at nite lots vodka and beer all fine advturists needd 2 4ward money, no mobile reception ther either. Roads v bad then good then bad people took time 2 rest repair eat toilets hole as usual now kids annoyin all fine tho on move again. Bak in the game.@

SMS Update

Jon drivin like local in mountains roads good and fun scenery lovely did c crash lst nite car over edge road shut truck pullin it up met 3 teams inc Penzance Pirates now in convoy 4 Mongol border. Massive rivers here well everythin actually. Cows in road dont understand indicators but get horns and mooove over Sorry! Heard x-in may take 24hrs?? Less phone recep from here in so less updates.