Oliver Madgett

Oliver Madgett
Of DialALlama
On the Mototaxi Junket 2009

The Royal Mail is our first hurdle to on the journey!

**Sunday 11th Oct**

Only 11 sleeps before our departure, and finally getting round to organising things properly (mut be the influence of Tara - as I'd normally leave it to the last 48hours of sheer panic + stress)

I've ordered nearly everything online - but just realised that it took 2 weeks for my last parcel to arrive due to the postal strike (so hopefully contact lenses, sleeping bag, video camera etc etc will all make it in time)

Have gone to http://www.stanfords.co.uk to pick up the maps we need, after finding out that TomTom coverage has yet to reach Peru and Bolivia (a gap in the market I think!)

Armed ourselves with Rough Guide to South America on a Budget + downloaded every Learn Spanish pod cast I can find - so what could possibly go wrong!