Sean Linehan

Sean Linehan
Of Monkey Wrench
On the Mototaxi Junket 2010

The dawn approacheth

One step at a time, has changed to leaping forward in a hurried salsa dance rush. With our departure date eminent it seems we still have so so much left to accomplish. Yet accomplish it we shall. Visas need procuring, tickets need to be finalized, and gear needs to be packed. We have our maps and are at the moment roughly planning out a route... why bother you ask? So we can dramatically throw it out in a Hell-Be-Damned-We-Fly-By-The-Seat-Of-Our-Pants-Soul-Lifting-Blockbuster-Worthy-Coach-Carteresque-Inspirational Moment that will surely have audiences cheering and rooting for The Monkey Wrench! With every day that passes, more and more of the excitement of the trip is hitting home. As well as a little bit of the shakes. I know the cure for that! A Pisco Sour at 12,000 feet of course!

Sean Linehan
Of Monkey Wrench
On the Mototaxi Junket 2010

Check out our other page

We've got our other site up and running. Have a peek... also... make a donation! 


Im going to take this moment to brag... Team Monkey Wrench secured the FIRST donation for Operation Smile of the 2010 Mototaxi Rally.


Our website address



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Sean Linehan
Of Monkey Wrench
On the Mototaxi Junket 2010

On the Road Again

I can't believe it took three years. Three years to come to terms with the reality of my own insanity. After completing the Mongol Rally in '07 (Team Mongolian Transportation Authority), I thought my restless and frankly insane ways had been put to bed. 

 As is evidenced by my presence here today, I was wrong.

 So we're off again! Jaunting around the world in far more less suitable vehicle than before-- but this time armed with HUGE amounts of enthusiasm and a wee bit more knowledge of the mechanical workings of vehicular transportation. Now if we could only come up with a name. . . 

