Finally in Asuncion, headed home.
Finally flew into Asuncion after changing some flights. Torrential downpour on what was meant to be the day of arrival for many teams. Unfortunately, I doubt very much if anyone has made it past La Paz on a mototaxi yet. Finally heading home after what has turned out to be a very dear 4 days on a mototaxi.
In Group 2, itching to go
So there have already been some setbacks in the trip--we haven´t even left yet. Paperwork for the mototaxis has taken longer than expected, and the first 16 of 60 teams will be leaving this morning, we hope. We´re in the second group, which we hope will be able to leave this afternoon.
 **Please stay tuned for updates. I´m not sure exactly how they will work yet, but I think that we will text our location and a quote to a certain number, and it will show up on a map and you can check our progress. You have to figure out where in this website the right map is. I don´t think it is here.**
 thanks for the support! we met our goal thanks to my dad´s huge contribution and the unexpected but much appreciated donation from the original peruvian adventurer, colin´s mom!