Kathryn Dancy Mason

YouTube Video

So I'm officially horrible at Internet.

 But our first YouTube video is up (or should be).

 The sound is also horrible, even though I tried my hardest to get the microphone up close and to speak loudly. But (I think) it's still audible (maybe?).

 If it's not, then you can just watch me flail around like a fool with the sound off. 


EDIT -- I don't think it's showing up yet? Well, _I_ can see it, so I assume in at least a few days everyone else will be able to. Not to fill you with anticipation, because really you shouldn't have any.

 EDIT #2: AHA! Now it is up. Apparently you have to press this pesky little thing called "publish". And to think before this I thought I was tech-competent. This makes me have serious doubts about my value when looking at the technicalities of our car.Â