Andrew Kinnear

Rajasthan, India

360+ kms covered today and relatively smooth sailing. One breakdown but a local farmer came to our rescue and helped us get Lassi started again. He then gave us a watermelon from his farm and wished us well. His kindness typified that of Indian people. Tomorrow a day of rest for lassi and then to Jaisalmer and the finish line on Friday.

Uttar Pradesh, India

Travelled over 260 kms today and arrived in Agra. Lost 4 hours due to mechanical problems and some dubious goings on by some local so called mechanics, where we were no doubt ripped off. But that said we were eager to reach Agra rather than create an incident in a small town. We have decided to stay here 2 nights to give Lassi and ourselves a well earned rest, plus Lassi needs some welding. On monday we head to Rajasthan as we slowly but surely make our approach to the finish line. Tomorrow the Taj Mahal for some sightseeing.

Uttar Pradesh, India

Had a sleep in today and gave Lassi a mechanical service this morning, including a change of brake fluid, new air filter, replaced fuel lines, and tightened all the nuts and bolts that are constantly coming loose given pot holed ridden Indian roads. The monsoon is still present with plenty of rain about, hopefully it will clear as we progress further west. Today we progressed another 120 kilometres, which may not seen much but you have to experience Indian roads to appreciate what that takes. Tomorrow we head Kanpur. We have decided rather than making longer stops at places on the way, we are heading straight to Rajasthan and spend some time there and then cruise to the finish line. @

Uttar Pradesh, India

Back in India after big day covering 300 kilometres, and little Lassi did us prove. We had our first experience of big city Indian driving, and it was in heavy rain and we arrived at night just to make it interesting. Currently planning next leg over a couple of hard earned drinks. Check the website for more updates, as we now have mobile and web access after none in Nepal. @