Thomas Williams

Madhya Pradesh, India

Just pulled over to in for a drive round Madhav national park. Unfortunately they wouldnt let us drive our rickshaw around the park, something about there being a tiger and a couple of leopards in the park and up having no doors... we took a keep instead and saw alot of spotted deer.@

Uttar Pradesh, India

Had an early start and reached the complete mayhem that be the awesome city of Varanasi! Easily one of the most difficult cities to negotiate on foot, let alone rickshaw adam and tommy managed to lose Chappy for a good hour when we went to find our hotel. Oops. Varanasi, tick.@

Bihar, India

We continue to meet incredible people who are always highly amused and possibly slightly baffled by the appearance of three english guys driving a Thunderbird 2 rickshaw and dressed appropriately. We only had half a day driving today so pulled over into a roadside hotel for the night.@

Bihar, India

We made it! Not easy though, we lost the end of our exhaust which in turn caused another bit of the engine to ping off... using our incredible mechanical knowhow we fixed it, in the dark, with a screw driver... not once, not twice but THRICE! Spent the morning in town getting Thunderbird 2 all fixed up and visited the used under which Buda contemplated and became Buda. Over and out! T O A