Benjamin Burrows

Arvaikheer, Mongolia

Made it to Arvaikheer, despite our brakes failing due to a broken brake pipe and our exhaust breaking near the exhaust manifold. Need to hang around and try to get our exhaust welded tomorrow. We're all pleased to have finally reached tarmac roads which are reported to last all the way to Ulaan Bataar. With our exhaust fixed so we can hear ourselves think we hope the tarmac roads will be a smooth and pleasant end to our journey with NO MORE BREAKDOWNS!!


Khovd, Mongolia

Two towns down now!! Complete lack of roads! Sand are the best - had great fun this morning going up and down the hills. Ben tensing up every time we came anywhere near a rock! Emma still managing to hit most of them. - correction avoid most thank you very much. No damage yet......... Engine going like a dream now we've fixed the fan - even made it up a hill at 40mph in 5th. Unheard of so far!!! Catching up with other rally teams alL the time. Debating the north road through the mountains or the south road through the Gobi desert. Scenery so far is amazing. Yesterday got flagged down by a local who let us play with his tame golden eagle he used for hunting foxes and wolves. It was massive!! Very cool too! Local kids have worked out how to stop us by standing in the middle of the 'road' giving us no option but to stop. They had better not try that on a steep hill!! Stocking up well on fuel now - our beast drinks the stuff, no hassle getting 92 octane but its not cheap here - 75p / litre!!!! Russia was only 35p.. Running low on pasta now at last. Good thing too, local food - goat and potatoes are really good. Still hoping to do some serious fishing though!! Not many days left now - we reckon roughly 13 days to Ulan Bataar - hope to make the final party on 4th September all being well. Thanks to all of our new sponsors!!