Quiller Brooke


We´re currently in Huancayo, the start point for the race.  Honda have pulled out, apparently they feel they have too much to loose if things don´t go to plan.  The upshot of this is that the organisers have had to find 63 moto taxis in the last week from a different manufactorer, and so we´re starting next wednesday, 3 days late.  The new bikes are Llifan, Trooper 2.  We´ve had a few practice sessions, which have been an education.  The bikes themselves, while somewhat flimsy, have a suprising amount of ooomff, although it doesn´t come out consistently.  Cornering, as suspected, is tricky, the bikes like either to go straight, or full turn, which at speed results in going onto 2 wheels, and as one team found out, falling onto their side.  Despite this with a bit of practice it is possible to gain a reasonable amount of control, and all in all they seem ok.

Otherwise we´ve been fairly chilled, doing a few walks to get acustomed to the altitude, eating lots, puking a bit, shitting a lot.  One local speciality we tried (with varying ethusiasm) is frog smoothy.  Basically take a live frog, rip it apart and skin it alive, boil it in milk (not really boil, more heat), put it in a blender with the milk, some honey, maize, whole raw egg (including shell), plus other unidentifiable powders and a viscous brown liquid, then drink. 

Tonight we´ve got a night out with the other teams, and tomorrow to the market to get various bits and bobs.  The next update will hopefully be from the road ahead...

Warming up in a Peruvian Oasis...

So, it begins...

After arriving in Lima we´ve come down the coast to Huacachina, an oasis.  Somewhat supprised to find large expanses of English Patient-esque desert between the coast and the Andes.  Sand boarding and dune buggying served as a fantastic way to appreciate and ingest the sand. 

Spanish coming along nicely, Dom´s and my vocabularies are pushing into double figures now, Nick, as always: a life saver.

Haven´t been in a moto-taxi yet (making the most of as many 4-wheeled vehicles as poss), but they look interesting.  All kicks off on 25th, until then got a national park with lots of birds, mountain pass of 4600m to appreciate during a 12hr bus journey, and a little train jaunt to enjoy...

Team Toucan etc