SMS Update
21st of nov. Team motoheadz, team le dahlia and team tok tok. Reached the city of asuncion. After living in the tuktuk for 3 weeks in rain, wind, snow, lightning, dust, mud, sand, salt, tornados and jungle! Our mighty mototaxi has had the motor completely taken apart 2 times. Just about 20 chain changes. 10 punctures. 1 tire change and loads of other crazy stuff!.. We have now litterally parked the tuks right infront of a swimming pool. Where we celebrated like never before!.. Now we just had our first big lie in and nice breakfast.. All in all. . An amasing adventure.. Friken amasing! !
SMS Update of nov. We cross into paraguay. The amount of heat that surrounded us was insane. 48 degrees in no mans land. People were dehydrating, trhowing up. And loosing energi fast. The roads to and from the border are intense. The gran chaco is long and boring.. Do remember to fuel up on water and gas in villamontes .. !! We just made it with ours.. !. Last night our 3 tuk convoy had 4 flat tires, 1 tire change and several chain snaps... But after 2 hours sleep we are shoting off for asuncion! Hasta la vista!
SMS Update of nov. We head for tarija from tupiza but end up going all the way down um the argentina border because the sign to tarija was to well hidden.. Took destiny in our hands and went for the border anyway. Stamped out of bolivia and into argentina. The mototaxis were not aloud to pass because the golden stamped paperwork from puno was needed as proof of ownership. Then we thought fuck it. Go back bolivia and paraguay border. But they would.nt let the tuks leave with no paperwork. After talking and talking they let us go.. But now we had problems getting back into bolivia with the tuks. . But again we got out after a while and headed for the lost trail to tarija @
SMS Update of nov. The convoy of 3 went from la paz to oruro, challapata and then a big turn south west to salinas de garci mendoza. Slept overnight because of a massive duststorm eating us alive.
SMS Update of nov. the convoy finally reached La Paz. After alot of struggle at the bolivian border 10 teams crossed at midday. . One tuk is down again, so we quickly will try and solve the tuk while here. Convoy will probably split. 3 tuks will try race down to paraguay and 3 others head for Uyuni and then paraguay.. Over and out..
SMS Update
the convoy is finally back together! Been in puno 2 days and we actually got the paperwork needed for crossing the border and in to bolivia. So now we drive towards the border where we will camp tonight. Opens monday.. Alot alot of drop outs. But we WILL go to paraguay! . .. Hopefully.
SMS Update
me and joe are now off from cusco towards puno.. Been at the lifan garage since 6.00 this morning. They did alot of stuff.. Even charge us a crasy high bill.. And the tuk is not propper.. Gonna give it all we got still.. Let's see how far we get...
SMS Update
so we reached andahuaylas after spending a whole day and night at a mechanics garage. Worked 9 hours straight on our tuktuk
Getting Ready !!!
posted by EyðunÂ
It's Saturday and i'm 3 days away from stepping into a flight taking me to Paris -> New York and last. Santiago, Chillé.
It's now 6 months ago since I & Joey entered the Mototaxi adventure. The preperation for this unknown adventure has been long and tough. Everything from getting a motorcycle driver license, visas, flight tickets, vaccinations, internatinal driver license, travel cards and so on and so on..
A large group of good people and sponsors are helping out, and this of course makes it easier and means alot to us. SO THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!! 
We haven't planned any route yet, but i guess this will fall destiny's hands anyway, when your up in the high andes..
**Gear & what to bring**
A large backpack is on the checklist and of course a whole lot of "gadgets". 
So far... 60L backpack, sleeping bag, some clothing, first aid kit, water filter, english/spanish translator (handy little book), camera and the mobile phone.... but will there be any connection??? . fuck it..
**My thoughts....Kick Start 24th of October**
It's not even a month till we kick off into the wilderness of South America. The Andes and the mysterious Inca roads that lie within the mountains.... uhuuuuuu..
I'm really getting excited and can't wait to get out there and try something a bit different.. And the thought of Operation Smile being such a big part of this is great.. especially that we almost reached our goal by donating 1000£ to Operation Smile... happy happy happy.. .
Adios Amigos... will post again when in South America!!!!.
Sincerely, Eyðun M. Thomsen