Robert Spreenberg

Almost go time

Got my stuff together, general plans to get into Jailsalmer organized.  Rickshaw pimped.  Website running.


We'll have the spot up and running, we'll have the GoPro and the Countou filming a lot and hopefully updating post on the way.


We reached our charity goal, but just picked up a sponser.  A local water, gas, and piping valve company: Valve Boss.


They saw an article about us in the baton rouge paper and wanted to get on board. 


They'll be donating more money to Frank for cool pictures we take with their shirts on! Hopefully we get lots of stops and water project points. 


Thanks guys! [](





Starting these pages up.

Hey all, BobChuck here.

TW and I started this page briefly a few weeks ago, as well as our fundraising charity page, when we bought our plane tickets to Peru and from Paraguay.

Today, I've updated some things and gotten our donation page fairly well up and going and now maybe we can start raising some money for this stuff, feel free to help.

I've been working in Houston for the last 3 weeks and should be 2 more, TW is currently in Malaysia with George, and probably having an awesome time.  We're looking forward to this trip.
