Gordon Jeffery

The Eagle has landed

Well good news the registration showed up and is in hand with one day to spare,  I had a few concerns about that but apparently no issue..... now. We went out today and picked up some final wish list items, just the roof rack and jerry cans outstanding now. As seems to be the usual case here we had some sun followed by the mother of all rain storms, almost drowned the slowrider in a pool at one of the round-abouts. I find that people here are a lot more intolerant of driving mistakes, I've heard a few horns the last couple of days. Some of the things I learned in the UK the last few days:

- If any menu offers mushed peas, pick anything else

- Driving in the UK will take years off your life, it has on mine

- Great old buildings everywhere

- 52.6 pounds for an 8 minute phone call is bloody robbery
