Jamie MacDonald

Astana, Kazakhstan

shopping center with log floom, a ride thing that takes you around the top of the center, loads of shops restaurants and loads more. After seeing that we regrouped and hit the road Joe from the mad hatters had came with me to sleep in the back as he wasn't fully recovered from the night before. After 2 hours we swapped for me to have a rest and Joe asked if I could take a picture of the sunset for him. I opened the sliding door and@

Astana, Kazakhstan

spent the night in a hotel in Astana where we stayed up till 5am talking and where a little loud for the hotel as they kept phoning the room and coming to the door to tell us to keep it down. Check out was at 9am and the hotel made sure we stuck to it haha. Once we were up we went to a garage to collect the beavers car as the had put a hole in they're sump. we then went to the big tent thing which turned out to be a pretty cool

, Kazakhstan

Police escort with flashing lights to the hotel. The police and the translaters then made sure the woman in the hotel gave us the best price possible. Once the rooms where sorted the police and translaters showed us to a restaurant. After the meal the police chef stayed the night in the hotel to make sure we would be okay.

, Kazakhstan

last night we decided to look for a hotel, problem was we were miles from the next town and the villages look deserted. We got to 1 village and couldn't see anything so we asked a little boy if he knew were we could find a bankomat (cash machine) we followed he on his bike and he had taken us to the police station. We were all looking at each other thinking what's about to happen here then? We then found out that the village bank machine

, Kazakhstan

finally crossed into Kazakhstan after 7 hours, it wasn't hard its was just really busy. Our big problem was that john didn't have a visa for Kazakhstan which we thought we could get at the border. Well this became a huge issue for the convoy and Johns only opinion was to head back to a town some 2 hours away to then fly to Astana in Kazakhstan and try and rejoin us. The mad hatter are now at the Kazakhstan border putting them only a few