More Information
We are embarking on a rally leaving the UK in July and, fingers crossed, arriving in Mongolia between three and six weeks later. Three to six weeks may seem like a long time to complete a rally, but when you understand the task ahead of us, even this length of time may seem ambitious!
 The Mongol Rally was started by blah blah and they drove it in x amount of time in a vehicle that was utterly incapable of completing the journey. Their epic adventure led them to challenge as many willing, and many may argue foolish candidates to follow in their tyre tracks and this is where our wild idea began.Â
 The rules state that the rally must be undertaken in a car with a 1.2 litre engine or less, however the rules can be bent if your vehicle has ‘significant comedy value.’ – Our trusty steed has just that! Our team of six is attempting to drive a third of the way around the world in a ‘Party Bus’ complete with strobe lights, a dance pole and blacked out windows. Â
Driving a third of the way around the globe, from Europe to Mongolia via a plethora of countries and terrains; no mean feat in a Land Rover, nigh on impossible in a bus. Despite this we will join over 300 teams starting from England, Spain and Italy; our collective destination being the Mongolian capital Ulaan Baatar. Whilst no route is specified, we estimate that our travels will take us through 10,000 miles of countryside depending on the route we finally choose to throw our trusty steed at.
 The task in hand is made even more daunting considering the fact that not one of us have ever driven a bus, let alone serviced one in the desert. For this reason alone, we need as much help as we can get…   Â
 Our optimistic team are hoping to encounter wild adventure, unforeseen catastrophe and stubborn border patrols along the way; all whilst raising a large amount of money for charity. So please consider our plea and help us make a difference.
 The Mongol Rally isn't just about adventure; it's also about raising huge sacks of cash for some great charities. In 2007 the Mongol Rally topped £200,000 and we hope to smash that this year.
 We have chosen to support two major charities for this year’s event; hoping to raise at least £1000 for both Mercy Corps and Help for Heroes.
 Mercy Corps has a world wide team of professionals working to help improve the lives of 14.5 million of the most disadvantaged people across 37 countries. This of course includes extensive work in our destination, Mongolia. Â
## Mongolian life can be extremely tough for its rural nomadic people. With the fast pace of today's modern world, entire communities are lacking vital skills and income to support their families. Mercy Corps is helping to change this by supporting rural communities and farming families through a range of projects that help them live an independent and sustainable life.
## Key ambitions in Mongolia:
## ·        School improvements
## ·        Unemployment reduction
## ·        Development of rural communities
## ·        Combating alcoholism amongst youth
##          * £1000 will have a tremendous impact upon their work in                Mongolia, especially considering that:*
## ·        £400 is sufficient to provide a fully stocked school library.
## ·        £200 will repair and equip a training room to teach new skills.
## ·        £60 will provide textbooks for pupils in 5 rural schools
## ·        £10 will pay for one person to attend an 8 day practical training programme, learning new skills to support their family.
## ·        £1.50 will buy a sapling tree to help prevent overgrazing of pastures.
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 Help for Heroes was founded in October 2007 with the ambition of raising money for the treatment and rehabilitation of injured servicemen and women. Raising in excess of £1 Million